
Friday, January 30, 2015


handwritten by Stacey Meredith

I received this print for Christmas this past year, and I must say it was my absolute favorite present. Not only because it is in black  & white (my two favorite colors besides purple) but it was made by my creative mentor Stacey Meredith. What I love most about this print is how accurately it describes me as a creative person, it's almost scary how exact it is. When asked to describe myself, it usually takes me a while to come up with just the right thing to say. Well, this print does exactly that -- this is who I am. 

1. Easily bored -- I always knew even when I was little that I would have to constantly be doing something new, pushing the envelope somehow because if not, life just seemed boring to me. Even now as I am a senior in college, that is why advertising excites me. It is always evolving and always changing, how could it ever seem boring?

2. Risk takers -- If you do not ever take risks how are you going to grow as an individual. I take risks hoping there is a greater reward but sometimes I fail. If you never try you would not understand the most rewarding thing in life, which is overcoming a challenge. 

3. Color outside the lines -- Being constricted by coloring lines was such torment to me as a child. I would just ask for "white paper" so I did not have to follow the coloring books lines. Life can be seen as coloring outside the lines. I find joy in the unordinary, walking a different way to class, or making a mess out of a watercolor painting. You have to get outside the lines to really embrace new experiences. 

4. Think with their heart  -- Anyone can tell you I wear my heart on my sleeve. I care deeply for people and have infectious love I wish I could spread to all people. I know I get my big heart from the precious mom who raised me. Because of her, trusting my heart is what just feels right.

5.  Make lots of mistakes -- I am really good at making mistakes. Life’s greatest lessons are learned by how you react to those mistakes. Learning and growing from mistakes is exactly what has shaped me to be who I am today. 

6.  Hate the rules -- I do not like being told what to or abiding by someone else’s rules. Granted, if I didn’t follow any rules I would probably not be where I am today. Don’t get me wrong there is a time and place for rules, however, not when it comes to my creative thought process.

7. Work independently -- When it comes down to it, I am an independent extrovert. I do great work when in collaboration with people but I also accomplish a lot when I am on my own. I am very driven by my own desires and love to see my thought processes come to fruition. I hope to run my own Etsy shop or freelance one day.

8. Change their mind a lot -- Once I make a decision, I want to change my mind. I am an innovative thinker and do not like to settle. My mind is constantly thinking of ideas and my preferences change frequently.

9. Have a reputation for eccentricity -- I do not like to do what everyone else does. I love individuality and see it as an expression of creativity. Admiring local finds, quirky brick walls, getting lost and stumbling upon a tasty restaurant are simple quirky things I love. As Sweetwater brewery would say, “Don’t float the mainstream”

10. Dream Big -- Whether its traveling the cobble stone streets of Italy, landing a job across the country, owning tons of puppies and aspiring to be a creative. I have dreams and passions that consume me daily. I have these grand ideas and plans and everyone’s response is always… just keep dreaming. Stay tuned because one day, these dreams will become a reality. 
Until next time-
