
Saturday, March 7, 2015

The Road to Becoming a Foodie

Hungry? Instagram always makes me hungry because of the large amount of gourmet food posts I see when scrolling through my feed. BBDO Atlanta conducted research on this topic and concluded that, “Millennials have a fascination with food as a way to tell their story. For them, food is not just about nourishment. It’s about self-expression and entertainment. It’s about personal storytelling. They’re Instagramming what they eat, following food celebrities on Twitter, and venturing out to all sorts of new places, from the latest trendy joint to the hole-in-the-wall down the street. But for a generation defined by social media, they don’t care if a restaurant gets bad reviews on Yelp. If their friends like it, they’ll go. If they like it, they’ll share a picture and review of it.” Not only are they all about the trendiness of the food industry, they are concerned with the nutritional value of the food they eat. If restaurants and food packages do not clearly state the nutritional value of their product, they will not survive among the Millennial generation. I'm trying to become more of a foodie myself so this is a trending topic for me! Stay tuned who knows what scrumptious food grams I might come up with.